Monday, April 13, 2009

Hillside Amelioration

We put in the second raised bed in the front today, as well as started solidifying the terracing above with rock retaining walls this afternoon.

Reverend Jess can be seen baptizing the young pressure-treated board before installation.

A solemn event indeed. Few words were said, but everyone felt the significance. Miles can glimpsed above in utter flatulation.

Jess then drew blood from the wood for youth elixir, knighting it in the process.

The sweet sound of progress...

Bare beds as one enters the thing of the stuff.

Next it was time for the rock jutting to take effect. As this was an instantaneous process, no pictures could be taken until after the juttici reigned supreme.

As they say in Salamanca when the mudskippers are chirping away, "Wham."

Miles, a juttici master, astrally projected his head to be in this shot while in Portugal.

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